That water is a carrier of information, especially structured water, has been pretty well established, both on a physical level as well as an intuitive level. Water, even if the actual molecules of a substance are not there, as we have learned from homeopathy, can still hold a positive or negative vibration. For example, even if we have filtered out chlorine and fluorine, which are poisons to the system, the water structure still holds their vibration. Until these messages in the water are erased, they may work in a negative way in the system. Such approaches as distilling or the Grander water technology appear to be able to erase all the negative information in the water, which includes the negative information of pesticides, herbicides, chlorine, fluorine, and pathogenic bacteria that have put their vibration into the water. Then, as with the Grander technology, we need to establish a healthy vibration. That healthy vibration is why mature distilled water and the Grander water have been successful in bringing health to people. This healthy vibration information carried in the water is not only for the human body, but actually can help transform the water information in ponds, lakes, and rivers back into a healthy information system that will bring those dead, contaminated waters back to life. This ancient and recent understanding about water has also been made graphic by Masaru Emoto in The Hidden Messages of Water. He found that healthy, life-giving, healing water makes beautiful hexagonal crystals, whereas pathogenic water will either not crystallize, such as with chlorinated water, or will make partially deformed crystals.
Some, such as the great medieval physician Paracelsus, pointed to the incredibly important effects of water for healing. For millennia, water has been seen as a healer. The healing mystery of the mikvah (spiritual purification pool) existed for centuries before John the Baptist, the famous Essene teacher who used the River Jordan as a mikvah and who popularized the practice in a way that was incorporated into the Christian tradition as baptism. These uses of water for healing relate to the transformative powers of water to wash away negative vibrations, or karmas, and rebalance our system. The great researchers of water, such as Viktor Schauberger and Johann Grander, have established a 3-part understanding of water that clarifies its importance:
(1) Water is a carrier of information, both of energy and of specific vibrational information.
(2) Water retains that information. Through distilling, we have the ability to erase this information.
(3) Water can transfer information.
Johann Grander, the inventor of Grander Water, established a very important technique, or system, that not only brings new information in, but prior to that, erases all harmful information that is in the water.
(1) Water is a carrier of information, both of energy and of specific vibrational information.
(2) Water retains that information. Through distilling, we have the ability to erase this information.
(3) Water can transfer information.
Johann Grander, the inventor of Grander Water, established a very important technique, or system, that not only brings new information in, but prior to that, erases all harmful information that is in the water.
Because 20–40% of the bottled water in the U.S. is actually tap water (as noted by the Natural Resources Defense Council), this may not be as good a choice as the bottled water label suggests. Carbon-filtered water may vary from marginal to excellent.
When we understand these principles [of hydration], we begin to better understand what we call the symptoms of dehydration. One is dyspepsia, also known as stomach pain. This results because the cells in the lining of the stomach need to be hydrated and flushed between meals to get rid of acids and to develop a certain level of alkalinity. When we are dehydrated, or we don’t drink before meals, we actually cause a thinning of the stomach cell membrane buffer zone and it does not adequately protect our stomachs from the acidity that is naturally secreted. Another symptom of dehydration is rheumatoid pain (or arthritic pain), which has to do with any sort of joint pain because the joints are lubricated by water. The water creates a small film of water that helps lubricate the interface of the joint. During dehydration this lubricating film of water evaporates and the joints rub right on each other. Back pain, particularly lower back pain, and sciatica are often the result of the intervertebral discs becoming dehydrated. These discs normally create a space cushion between the vertebrae by virtue of how much water they can hold. When the discs are dehydrated, 75% of the upper body weight that they cushion against begins to bear down on the intervertebrae spaces and put pressure on the intervertebral nerves. This often causes muscle spasms. Usually a few days after we rehydrate, the pressure on the nerves begins to alleviate. The relief of sciatic pain for example, may happen within an hour of rehydrating. Sciatica may be an important sign of dehydration. Heart pain, or angina, is another symptom. When the body is dehydrated the blood flow to the heart is reduced. Headaches and toxic build-up and contracted blood vessels are another symptom, along with dry tongue and constipation. One of the main causes of death in airplanes is dehydration, which causes clots in the legs, which then can migrate to the lungs as pulmonary embolisms.
Water acts as a universal solvent, and that is partly how it produces life on the planet. Water’s ability to act as a solvent is what makes nutrition work for all living substances. Plants absorb nutrients when they are watered, just like water dissolves nutrients so they can enter our bloodstream. This is basic information, but it becomes clearer, as research has shown, that water acts as a medium that transfers and relays the tiny frequencies of information of DNA from one cell to another. If our water is polluted, meaning what is entering us is polluted with a set of negative frequencies, such as pesticides and herbicides, the water can’t really relay accurate intracellular and extracellular information. So, if we are consuming water that is contaminated, it not only brings in poisons but it blocks adequate frequency information extracellularly and intracellularly to and from the DNA.
Water, particularly in the neurons, serves as a way of transporting neurotransmitters to the nerve endings to use for neural transmission. These waterways exist in the neurons and are called microtubules. When the cells of the brain are dehydrated, these microtubules become blocked. Proteins and enzymes work more effectively in water that has a minimal amount of viscosity. This is particularly tru...e for the receptor sites in cell membranes. When these receptor sites, which are three-dimensional molecular formations, become dehydrated, the water develops a higher viscosity, and proteins and enzymes are not able to work at the same level of efficiency both inside and outside the cell. In this way, the solvent power of water regulates all metabolic activities in the body.
Every function of the human body is connected to the osmotic flow of water within and among cells. This concept of osmotic flow, which means that energy moves from higher points of ionic concentration to lower points of ionic concentration across an energized membrane, is one of the main ways things move in a biological system. It is one of the primary methods of mineral and nutrient transportation at the cell level. It is also the way toxins are removed from cells. The benefits of water are best achieved if the body receives pure mature water on a consistent basis. Pure water is natural high-hydrogen-donor water, 7.2 pH or lower. With age, the body dehydrates if pure, mature, electron-rich water is not given on a regular basis. The work by F. Batmanghelidj, M.D., described in Your Body’s Many Cries for Water, shows that the ratio of water inside the cell to the water outside changes from 1.1 to 0.8 with age. As the water inside the cell decreases, the mineral concentration of the cell decreases as well, which means we begin to demineralize at the same time we begin to cellularly dehydrate. Along with this process is a decrease in our thirst sensation, so our thirst mechanism does not alert us that we are dehydrating. The only way we can usually reverse or prevent this process is to do the obvious: Drink at least two quarts (64 ounces) of pure water each day. The ratio of intracellular to extracellular remains 1.1 if we remain hydrated. That means even if we don’t feel thirsty it is important to drink. Drinking can actually make you feel thirstier. Once we understand these water principles, it becomes clear that carbonated water, caffeine, soda pop, coffee, beer, and alcohol actually dehydrate us. They rob the useful hydrogen from our cells, thus dehydrating us intracellularly.
Hydration, which requires a TDS of 200 or less, is much more effective when the water has a TDS of 50, or even lower. Healthy water increases alkalinity of the extracellular fluid and increases the acidity of the intracellular fluid. The biggest cause of DNA malfunction is dehydration, which is a lack of hydrogen ions. Hydrogen-deficient DNA is more likely to mutate, and therefore cause cancer. It... needs the high electron input to replicate accurately. If the cells are dehydrated, they are unable to supply that electron demand of the DNA. DNA strands are nucleic acids, and therefore inextricably tied to hydrogen molecules and acidic (hydrogen-replenishing) water. When we become toxic, we create an O2 starvation because the toxicity builds up in the cells and the electrical differential across the cells becomes weakened. The result is that the oxygen cannot get in with the activated water, because there is not enough electron-filled hydrogen inside the cell to draw the oxygen.
The secret to the chemistry of life is the flow of hydrogen-donating electrons and how it affects all intracellular processes. DNA needs the electron energy from the hydrated water to repair it. The flow of hydrogen into the cells from the natural water helps bring oxygen into the cell in the form of H2O. The flow of hydrogen, which is electron-donating, activates the cytochrome oxidative system i...n the mitochondria of the cell to make ATP. ATP is the source of biological energy. The biological transmutation principles, discoveries of Dr. Louis Kervan are all based on the flow of hydrogen, and therefore electrons. Once we understand this basic principle that water has to do with hydration (hydra), and that the hydrogen it brings into the system subsequently releases electrons into the system for all energy systems to work, we are then ready to understand the principles of water. Water that is high in hydrogen, and therefore electrons, works as a powerful antioxidant. Water in this context is the universal antioxidant.
Source: "Spiritual Nutrition" Gabriel Cousens, MD
Source: "Spiritual Nutrition" Gabriel Cousens, MD
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